Tag Archives: writing

The Legend of the Merry Milkmaids

This Christmas and New Year I was going to delete this blog, or archive it and start again. I was going to finish writing one of my many unfinished novels. I did neither, but I did write a short story … Continue reading

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A Christmas Ghost Story: The Tedious Case of Room 623

Had an idea for a story while walking the dog. I was going to abandon it, or at the very least change the narrator’s preposterous name, when I discovered that Agatha Christie wrote over a dozen stories about a man … Continue reading

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The distraction of distraction-free word processors

I’m currently not writing at least three books. At least one of them, I am convinced, is an amazingly good idea. I’ve written a dozen chapters, at least one of which doesn’t make me cringe when I read it back, … Continue reading

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Distraction-free writing OS

Here’s an idea for a cheap alternative to expensive ‘distraction-free’ word processors like the Freewrite (much as I love the idea of the Freewrite – I just cannot afford one.) A Linux-based OS on a USB stick that boots straight … Continue reading

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I’ve written before about how badly I got on with NaNoWriMo – National Novel Writing Month. Each November loads of people sign up to a challenge to write a 50,000 word novel in a month. I wonder what proportion succeed. … Continue reading

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