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Tag Archives: teaching
Where’s the joy?
A couple of weeks ago I took part in a school INSET day, and I have to admit I didn’t recognise the name of the guest speaker, all I knew was that he was a world champion ping-pong player. I … Continue reading
Squishy Circuits
I shall call him SQUISHY and he shall be mine and he shall be my SQUISHY – Dory, Finding Nemo This is a wonderful idea for teaching electrical circuits and more (thanks to Linda Sandvik for tweeting about something that … Continue reading
The Longest Year: School Direct or School, Die Wrecked?
It’s finally over. I survived a year as a School Direct (Salaried) trainee. I made it to the end, I qualified, and I have a job as a Newly-Qualified Teacher (NQT) next year. This is nothing short of a miracle, … Continue reading
A combined WW2 history, binary maths, computing, code-breaking lesson
I used the 70th anniversary of D-Day as a starting point for an investigation into binary arithmetic, code breaking, computer error correction, and computer programming. I began by showing children pictures of soldiers about to land in Normandy, a German … Continue reading
Posted in computers, education, ICT
Tagged binary, BletchleyPark, coding, education, maths, School Direct, teaching, WW2
Making MakeyMakey instruments in class
Having proved the concept with the Colanderphone (© Felix Glenn), today I taught a combined DT / music / ICT / science lesson in Year 5. In the first lesson, I introduced the MakeyMakey and got the children each to … Continue reading