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Tag Archives: RaspberryPi
RaspberryPi dice project
Here’s a simple dice (ok, die) project for the Raspberry Pi SenseHAT – it senses a shake by measuring the G-force on the accelerometer. If the G-force goes above 1.4, it generates a random number between 1 and 6 and … Continue reading
Raspberry Pi traffic light project, part 2
In the first part of this project, we made some traffic lights out of LEDs attached to a Raspberry Pi computer, and we wrote code to make them light in sequence using the Python programming language. This was made really … Continue reading
First physical computing project with Python on Raspberry Pi
I’m really excited about a Python library called GPIO Zero. This makes it very easy to use the Raspberry Pi’s GPIO pins to do some physical computing in the Python programming language. The GPIO pins are how you connect your … Continue reading
Keeping physical computing simple
I love Scratch. I think it’s actually under-rated as a way of teaching computing, even in secondary schools (KS3). I remember a long time ago someone on the BBC ‘Computer Programme’ defending BASIC with the words ‘it’s a bad workman … Continue reading