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Tag Archives: politics
The morning after the week before
A few bleary-eyed thoughts on the European elections… The Greens The Greens did astonishingly well in Lewisham, coming second. They got 10228 votes to Labour’s 32507. UKIP, however, actually did quite well on 8720 votes, beating the Conservatives into 4th … Continue reading
Fantasy Celebrity MPs’ Question Time
You know what you have to do, Mr Speaker. You need to call all the following MPs to speak in one day, and we can have the bestest celebrity edition of Today (and Yesterday) in Parliament ever: Richard Bacon, (Con) … Continue reading
David Cameron: a metaphor
It struck me on the train this morning that the recent hospital photo opportunity where a camera crew got thrown out of a ward by a senior surgeon, is a metaphor for Cameron’s premiership thus far. Dave goes along with … Continue reading
Political Nirvana
The coalition is such a success, I think this is not the New Politics – it’s the End of Politics. The lion lies down with the lamb. There is peace, unity and all is good. It’s such a triumph that … Continue reading