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Tag Archives: maths
micro:bit NIM maths and computing investigation
NIM is a simple but potentially infuriating, ancient 2 player game. You have some counters or matchsticks, you’re allowed to take a limited number in each turn, say 1, 2 or 3. The winner is the person who takes the … Continue reading
Binary revision activity
I love making teaching resources in Scratch – even better getting pupils to make them too! Here’s a quiz I am going to use even as high as Year 9 to help them revise the binary number system: (requires Flash) … Continue reading
Dice maths investigation using Scratch
This week I did a maths investigation I recall doing myself when I was at primary school – and that was a long time ago! It’s the one where you find out which total scores, if any, are more likely … Continue reading
Coding as a way of understanding the Monty Hall problem
The other night a maths teacher and I were sharing a few cold drinks and we fell to discussing the Monty Hall Problem. Now, you may have heard of the Monty Hall Problem even if you don’t know it by … Continue reading
Posted in computers, education, ICT
Tagged computing, logic, maths, probability, Python
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A combined WW2 history, binary maths, computing, code-breaking lesson
I used the 70th anniversary of D-Day as a starting point for an investigation into binary arithmetic, code breaking, computer error correction, and computer programming. I began by showing children pictures of soldiers about to land in Normandy, a German … Continue reading
Posted in computers, education, ICT
Tagged binary, BletchleyPark, coding, education, maths, School Direct, teaching, WW2