Here’s an idea for a cheap alternative to expensive ‘distraction-free’ word processors like the Freewrite (much as I love the idea of the Freewrite – I just cannot afford one.)
A Linux-based OS on a USB stick that boots straight into a very simple RTF-format word processor with on-screen word count, auto-save of timestamped versions of the document to local storage (USB or hard drive) with the option to configure some kinds of cloud storage such as Google Drive, Dropbox, old fashioned FTP, maybe even email etc. Possibly a spell-check included, but not essential. Perhaps allow multiple docs open in tabs so you can have a notes document open to refer to when writing.
The backup / storage options would be configurable from a GUI in the word processor. No other apps would be visible except perhaps include a text-only Wikipedia and online dictionary search.
If this OS booted from USB you could put any old laptop into ‘distraction-free’ mode and it could bring new life to old netbooks and laptops if you installed it on the machine itself.
I know Linux distraction-free word processors are already available, but last time I looked none was quite right: didn’t autosave in RTF format, didn’t have on-screen word count etc. Perhaps that’s changed?
I had a go at writing a very simple word processor ages ago using guizero, perhaps this could be a starting point?
Just found this on my desktop from ages ago and forgotten about… noodling around with a *very* simple word processor made in Python / GUIZero and a half-decent word count (better than some…)
UPDATE March 2021: Bill Siever’s Make Code extension has been updated to support both V1 and V2 of the micro:bit and is now an approved extension. Just search for ‘dstemp’ in the extension search (or use the new URL:
I had a DS18B20 1-wire Temperature Sensor that came with the excellent Sensors CamJam EduKit for Raspberry Pi – I wondered if you could use this with micro:bit to get more accurate external temperature readings. It turns out, thanks to my amazing colleagues Mark and Carlos, that you can!
The version of the DS18B20 Temperature Sensor I have is waterproof, so this means I can make an alarm to tell me when my coffee is getting cold (although I’d probably need to use pin 1 or pin 2 for the sensor instead of pin 0).
Here’s what you need:
DS18B20 temperature sensor
some way of connecting it, e.g. breadboard, jumper wires and crocodile clip leads
You do this by clicking on the cog wheel, going to extensions, and paste in the ‘Search or enter project URL’ box.
You should see you have some new blocks you can use, one to show the temperature as a number, another as a string:
This project will show a bar graph of the temperature, but if your micro:bit firmware is up-to-date and you’re using a recent version of Chrome, you can also use webUSB to log temperature data on a connected computer, plot it in real time on a graph and save for later analysis in a spreadsheet or other program.
Here are a couple of simpler projects, one that just shows the temperature as a rounded integer when you press button A:
And another that uses a truncated string to show the temperature to 1 decimal place:
or: what to do when your son tells you 10 minutes before he needs to go to school that the old family iMac is broken and he can’t get his work off that needs handing in like right now.
Symptom: old Mac running MacOS Snow Leopard 10.6.8 will get to login screen, but when you log in you get a blank desktop, no icons, no menu, just a mouse pointer.
Cause: the startup disk is utterly full despite like nobody downloading anything on it like, ever, oh my god.
Solution: using target disk mode wasn’t an option as we didn’t have the right adaptors or leads – the idea is you boot it up in a special way (hold down letter T on keyboard as it boots) so it becomes a Firewire or Thunderbolt disk, you mount it on another Mac, delete some files, disconnect, reboot. So that left me with the command line Single User Mode.
Here’s what I did. Rebooted the Mac holding down cmd S. This takes you to a command line where – if you are very careful and know what you’re doing – you can manually delete some files or folders to free up some space. What the first two guides I found didn’t tell me, however, is that this mounts the disk as read only, so you need to type sudo /sbin/mount -uw / to mount the drive in a way that allows you to delete files.
You can see how much space is free using df -h
Remove files using the rm command – I’m not going to explain how to remove folders because it’s risky – have a look online, and be careful!
Proceed with extreme caution. Luckily, I knew there was an old Dropbox folder, not updated in years, on my login so I was able to delete one folder and free up 2GB of space, enough to restart the Mac (type reboot).
Note that Single User Mode only works on old Macs – MacOS High Sierra 10.13 or earlier – presumably because this is a massive security hole allowing anyone to read your files.
Back in 2016, I made KettleRun, a micro:bit game where you had to navigate your space ship through a canyon in order to be rewarded with a nice, hot cup of tea.
Now I’ve made a version for the Pimoroni scroll:bit – this is a bright 17×7 pixel (odd dimensions, right?) external LED display that you can program from MakeCode by adding the scroll:bit extension.
My new version of the game is a bit different – you navigate your ship (a bright dot on the left of the screen) through the canyon by tilting the micro:bit down and up. It has no levels, but the game gets faster as you go. You get more points the longer you survive, losing one of your 9 lives if you bash into rocks. Your lives are shown with a bar-graph on the micro:bit’s own 5×5 red LED display.
This is a slight twist on my original Little Box of Poems I originally made back in 2012. It mashes that up with Papert-inspired random poetry to create surreal haiku-like poems or story starters.
This project uses a BBC micro:bit and a serial thermal printer. Wiring it up is very simple: connect the black data wire on the printer to GND on the micro:bit, and the printer’s yellow data RX wire to pin 8 on the micro:bit (you could use another pin, I just happened to use pin 8). The printer needs 5 volts to power it, so it needs a separate power supply. Luckily USB sockets give 5v, and thanks to this tutorial from the awesome Tanya Fish I chopped up an old unwanted USB lead to make my own source of printer power.
Parts list:
micro:bit with power source, battery or USB.
Some way of connecting pins – edge connector and jumper wires or crocodile clip leads.
A serial thermal till-roll printer like this one and some thermal paper.
A 5v power source for the printer – an old USB lead chopped up and a USB power source will do nicely.
The Python program is in two parts – the first part is all the functions to send control codes for different styles of printing – most of these aren’t used in this project but you might have fun playing with them – you can also print different kinds of barcode if you look here.
The second part creates lists of different kinds of words: animal / people nouns, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, adjectives and place nouns. Each time you press button A, it picks a random word from each category and prints them out. You could use this as a story starter, use it as a passphrase or just enjoy the surreal haiku-like poems. Add your own words. How long a story can you get a machine to write? Let me know what you do with this idea, using a printer, 2-line LCD or just the built-in LED display.