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Category Archives: radio
Adding RTÉ and Resonance FM to PiRadio
Just added 2 more stations to my PiRadio. Here’s the command line code for each. RTÉ Radio 1: mpc add http://icecast2.rte.ie/radio1 and Resonance FM: mpc add http://radio.canstream.co.uk:8004/live.mp3
Big list of internet radio stations
IMPORTANT UPDATE APRIL 2015: The BBC has changed the way it streams network radio – see here for details. I’ve been tinkering with my PiRadio tonight. I loaded someone else’s code, which unfortunately included the command mpc clear – this … Continue reading
Adding a station and summertime to PiRadio
“Summer’s here! It’s time for MAYONNAISE!” I think that was how Bill Bryson described a typical British women’s magazine strapline of the 50s or 60s. Summertime also means that my PiRadio is displaying frosty old GMT, so I need to … Continue reading
Controlling Raspberry Pi from £29 Nook e-reader
I installed ConnectBot on my rooted £29 Nook e-reader – and I can log into my Raspberry Pi radio from anywhere in the house using ssh. And change the station in the kitchen. Mwa-ha-ha.
Quick and dirty Raspberry Pi radio scheduling
Many thanks to James West for putting me onto this: http://www.bbc.co.uk/rd/blog/2013/09/prototyping-radio-experiences-with-radiodan and http://radiodan.github.io/. A lot of this seems quite complex – I like really, really simple things – but it’s got me thinking about building my own simple radio schedule, … Continue reading
Posted in Arduino, hardware, Linux, radio, Raspberry Pi, Raspbian
Tagged cron, Linux, radio, RaspberryPi, schedule
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