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Category Archives: radio
Updated URLs for your internet radio
I’ve just been doing my annual maintenance on my kitchen radio – it’s an old RaspberryPi with a lovely Pimoroni Displayotron3000, and it runs their lovely radio script. (You configure it by editing the dot3k.cfg file in ~/Pimoroni/displayotron/dot3k/advanced) I’ve made … Continue reading
Python CoolPlay for OS X
Update – a new version of PyPlay is now on GitHub. It has pretty colours and gives you the out time and everything. CoolPlay is a very useful Windows program that plays audio files. So what? Lots of programs do … Continue reading
Fip has moved
As you may know, I love making little internet radios from Raspberry Pi computers – mostly so I can listen to the wonderful French radio station Fip. Fip plays a mixture of jazz, left-field rock and pop, classical music – … Continue reading
Last Orders podcast is here!
My first ever podcast is ready to consume – lend me 15 minutes and I will take you on a journey to an old builders’ yard in South East London, now home to shiny brewing vessels and where you can … Continue reading
My life in the Bush of ghosts
Yesterday, thanks to the kindness of Wanda Petrusewicz in remembering me, I was able to look inside Bush House, straddling Aldwych and the Strand in London. It was the home of the BBC World Service from 1941 until 2012, and … Continue reading
Posted in BBC, nostalgia, radio
Tagged BBC, BBC World Service, Bush House, radio, World Service