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Category Archives: BBC
K9 and Company: a curious Christmas gift to you
I finally watched K9 and Company. And I have questions. If you’re unfamiliar with it, K9 and Company was a single 50 minute TV show made in 1981, a spin-off from Doctor Who that was intended to be a series, … Continue reading
BASYS nostalgia fest
BASYS was a newsroom computer system used very widely in the 1980s and 90s by many radio and TV broadcasters: the BBC and ITN in the UK, CNN and NBC in the USA, the ABC in Australia and probably many … Continue reading
The Tower of Babel
Back in the 1990s, the BBC World Service had a newsroom computer system called EDiT. This was the World Service version of a system called BASYS which had a bit of an interesting past. It was widely used in TV … Continue reading
Posted in BBC, gaming, nostalgia, radio
Tagged adventure games, BASYS, BBC, Bush House, game, World Service
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Human Voices by Penelope Fitzgerald
Human Voices by Penelope Fitzgerald (1980). 4th Estate Books, £8.99 It’s hard not think that I was destined to read, and indeed love, this book. Andy Miller recommended it to me saying he thought it would be right up my … Continue reading
Posted in BBC, fiction, literature, radio
Tagged BBC, books, hum, literature, London, radio, WWII
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The Little Box of Witter
I’ve made a Little Box of Poems with an Arduino, Raspberry Pi and even BBC micro:bit, now I want to make a Little Box of Witter: a gadget that will play the latest episode of my favourite radio programme, Wittertainment … Continue reading
Posted in BBC, cinema, computers, radio, Raspberry Pi
Tagged 5Live, Kermode, Mayo, RaspberryPi, Wittertainment
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