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Category Archives: education
Getting to grips with the mouse
I’ve recently found myself with the challenge of teaching Reception age children Computing not in their own classroom, but in a traditional ICT suite with desks, PCs, keyboards and mice that actually aren’t even designed for Year 6 children, they … Continue reading
Rediscovering Flotilla
Back in 2015 I backed Pimoroni’s Flotilla modular physical computing devices on Kickstarter and got an early set. I had some fun exploring it, but the software and support materials weren”t quite ready at the time and I started a … Continue reading
Posted in computers, education, ICT, Raspberry Pi, Raspbian
Tagged education, Flotilla, physical computing, Pimoroni
Raspberry Pi Wiimote Paint
People have done some cool stuff controlling Raspberry Pi robots with Nintendo Wiimotes. Now I don’t have any robot bits, but I do have an old Wii sitting unloved upstairs, so I found the remote, put batteries in it and … Continue reading
Robot poetry and storytelling in Scratch
There’s nothing new under the sun, and this is an old idea that went down incredibly well: generating random stories and poems by picking random words from word banks. I am grateful for my former colleague Cassie Wise for suggesting … Continue reading
Simplest Scratch game?
Give a group of Year 9 girls the option to do some coding or watch a film at the end of term, and you think they’d want to watch a film. Well not the last ever class I taught at … Continue reading