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Category Archives: ICT
Potato Piano
Inspired by Whack-a-Potato, I decided to make a Potato Piano, using a MaKey MaKey, a laptop and 8 potatoes. This is a pretty simple project: just go to http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/3197340/ and click on the green flag. You don’t even need to … Continue reading
I love simple paint programs, like my 2005 effort TillyPaint. Scratch is a great environment for coding such things, and I decided to combine a go at writing a new one with Makey Makey pencil-on-paper buttons to make a kind … Continue reading
Makey Makey paper and pencil game controller
I had three goes at this before I got it to work: making a game controller from a sheet of paper with pencil drawings on. Pencil lead is made of graphite, which conducts electricity, so the Makey Makey allows you … Continue reading
Makey Makey
I am very late to the Makey Makey party, I know. In case you don’t know what it is, it’s a gizmo that plugs into just about any computer’s USB port. The computer thinks it’s a normal USB keyboard (MacOS … Continue reading
Scratch – how low can you go?
How low can you go? Well, in the words of MC Wildski, I think it was, ‘the lower you go, the more you show you know.’ He may have been talking about bass frequency, but I think it’s equally applicable … Continue reading