The Legend of the Merry Milkmaids

Cover of a book 'The Legend of the Merry Milkmaids' by Giles Booth. A single standing stone in green. This Christmas and New Year I was going to delete this blog, or archive it and start again. I was going to finish writing one of my many unfinished novels. I did neither, but I did write a short story for New Year.

It’s no longer ‘New Year’ but here we go, a silly story I wrote to amuse myself, like the Christmas one I wrote in 2014.

A couple escape from London to the country after New Year’s Eve to celebrate a badly-timed birthday, and are haunted by a ghost of birthday past.

It’s a free download in 3 formats:

I’ve not tested the ePub or mobi formats on an eBook reader, only my laptop so let me know if they don’t work.

Many thanks to Ray Newman for graciously allowing me to use his photographs of the Stanton Drew stone circle in North Somerset. I wonder if one day the Common Market will ever return there? (Adge Cutler joke for the kids, there.)

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