micro:bit numbers station

Numbers stations are / were spooky shortwave radio stations, best known from the Cold War, which broadcast human voices reading numbers, usually in groups of five. It’s widely assumed these were / are used by many nations for communicating with secret agents in foreign countries, using an unbreakable one-time pad cipher.

You can spook yourself by listening to The Conet Project.

Or you can code a BBC micro:bit to be come your very own numbers station!

Use one of the micro:bit Python editors (such as the lovely new official online one) to flash the program below on to a micro:bit. If you have a micro:bit V2 you can hear the numbers from the built-in speaker, otherwise attach some headphones or an amplified speaker to pin 0 and GND.

If someone can add some code to play The Lincolnshire Poacher as well, I’d be very happy indeed.

from microbit import *
import speech
import random

numbers = ['zero', 'won', 'too', 'three', 'for',
          'five', 'six', 'seven', 'ate', 'nine']

while True:
    for i in range(5):
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