Radio clock

Screen shot of the word clock

BFH (Broadcasting From Home) is quite the thing these days, so I thought I’d make a web version of the clocks used in radio studios. These spell out the time in easy-to-read words, and remove the brain-gymnastics required to turn an analogue or digital clock into something you’d actually say out loud.

Some radio presenters are legendary for their time-telling skills, other less so. I once worked with one who forgot his co-presenter’s name as he introduced her on air at the start of the programme, but frankly I’m amazed that anyone talking to millions of people at stupid o’clock in the morning can remember their own name, let alone tell the time.

So, I present my radio clock:

Some things to note:

  • It’s only as accurate as your computer, tablet or phone’s clock and will always follow its time.
  • It’s written in JavaScript about which I know little – suggestions for its improvement are very welcome.
  • This means if you lose your internet connection, the clock will keep running. Although, unless you’re using ISDN, you’ve probably fallen off air at that point.
  • This also means you can view the source code, download and host it locally on your computer, tinker with it and improve it. If you re-share it, please credit me.
  • It looks ok on my laptop and on my phone in portrait mode – suggestions very welcome for improving its mobile performance in landscape especially.
  • It should handle half past, quarter to, quarter past, midday and midnight.
  • If it’s one minute to or past the hour, quarter hours of half hour it’ll say ‘almost…’ or ‘just gone…’
  • If it’s buggy or you think of a new feature, please let me know!

Along with my Raspberry Pi cartwall and audio play-out programs, I hope you find this a valuable addition to your home studio.

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