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Monthly Archives: June 2014
A combined WW2 history, binary maths, computing, code-breaking lesson
I used the 70th anniversary of D-Day as a starting point for an investigation into binary arithmetic, code breaking, computer error correction, and computer programming. I began by showing children pictures of soldiers about to land in Normandy, a German … Continue reading
Posted in computers, education, ICT
Tagged binary, BletchleyPark, coding, education, maths, School Direct, teaching, WW2
Making MakeyMakey instruments in class
Having proved the concept with the Colanderphone (© Felix Glenn), today I taught a combined DT / music / ICT / science lesson in Year 5. In the first lesson, I introduced the MakeyMakey and got the children each to … Continue reading
Making beautiful music with a MakeyMakey
The MakeyMakey is a gizmo that allows you to control computers by touching anything that conducts a small amount of electricity: PlayDoh, fruit, vegetables, even graphite pencil. As you may know, I’ve been playing tunes on potatoes and making Scratch … Continue reading