I’m usually very happy to pay �10-15 or so for a DVD, especially if it’s one of the finer products of the good people at Pixar or Lucasfilm.
But I really hate having to sit through adverts (or skip through them) to get to the main feature, especially when a 2 year old is screaming he wants to watch Toy Story and he wants to watch it NOW, while the phone is ringing and the pan boiling over… Disney are especially bad at piling on the trailers which you cannot bypass by pressing ‘menu’.
But the Star Wars Clone Wars animated feature DVD has hit a new low.
You first get a short film about the evils of DVD piracy.
You then get a selection of text slides about the evils of DVD piracy, and in case you try to skip them YOU HAVE TO SIT THROUGH THEM ALL OVER AGAIN.
Oh and how we love the Australian copyright message. And the Norwegian one.
The irony of this is that if I got a pirated version of this DVD, all that crap would have been cut out and I, the shmuck who pays for legit DVDs get the lecture, and the people who buy dodgy copies from car boot sales get to go straight to the feature…